SU TCAS https://www.admission.su.ac.th
การรับสมัครบุคคลเข้าศึกษา ประจำปีการศึกษา 2567

International affairs

The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology offers educational scholarship to the indigent students and also: supports them in their application for the student loan fund from the Thai government. Moreover, the students with outstanding academic performance will receive the funding support from their department.

Applying for Undergraduate Admission
The students can apply to study in the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology through the TCAS student admissions system (Association of The Council of University Presidents of Thailand) For further information please visit our website “www. eng.su.ac.th”.
Applying for Graduate Admission
The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology offer graduate programs in Engineering. For further information please visit our website “www.graduate. su.ac.th”.