"Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology aspires to produce qualified graduates with outmost professional knowledge and high ethics; intended to be one of the leaders in engineering and technology research and learning organizations of the country."
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology Information
Founded in 1991, the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology was a further extension of Silpakorn University’s scope into the area of applied science and technology. Its main goal is to develop competent human resources in applied science and engineering in order to meet the ever increasing needs of the rapidly growing industrial sector in Thailand. Given its location in the country’s western region, it specifically aims to forge industry-university linkages with industrial ventures in the area. The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology focuses on research topics that will not only strengthen its academic competence in science, technology, engineering and management but can also be practically applied to the industry. In addition, the faculty provides academic services to serve the needs of the academic communities and private sectors. Research interests of different departments are covering in many areas, which include the development of new materials or the improvement of the properties of materials to meet the needs in present time and in the near future, functional food, sensory science, consumer research, group trainings, consultancy and analysis for the food industry, researches supporting the country development in the fields of agro-industry, food and beverages, medicine and pharmaceutics, environment, energy, and novel bioprocesses and their products. Researches also include product development, process improvement, cost analysis, quality engineering, maintenance management, feasibility study projects, ergonomics, operation research and strategy management as well as research topics and activities that serve the practical applications linked to the actual needs of the private and industrial sectors.
"Creativity and Public Consciousness"
• Academic Activities
• Sports or Health Activities
• Arts and Cultural Activities
• Community Service, Moral, and Ethics Activities

Interested Research topics
Materials Science and Engineering Department
- Natural rubber, Elastomer and related materials
- Composites
- Conducting materials and Sensors
- Biopolymers - Ceramic glaze
- Development of materials from recycling
- Crystallization in glass
- Functional monomers and polymers
Food Technology Department
- Rice, Flour and Sugar Technology
- Health Food
- Drying Technology
- Subcritical water Extraction
- Lipid and Chocolate Technology
- The Science of Thai Food
- Fruit and Vegetable Technology
- Sensory and Cousumer Research
- Clean Technology
- Food Logistics
- Food Safety
- Gluten Free Food
- Food Freezing
-Snack and Confectionery Technology
- Milk and Dairy Products
- Food Production Management
Bio-Technology Department
- Genetic Engineering and Improvement Technology
- Plant and Animal Cell Culture Technology
- Enzyme and Fermentation
- Waste Treatment Technology
Industrial Engineering and Management Department
- Operation Research
- Ergonomics
- Engineering Management
- Quality Management and Improvement
- Logistics
- Applied Statistics
- Lean Manufacturing
- Product and Service Efficiency Improvement
- Maintenance Engineering and Management
Mechanical Engineering Department
- Alternative Energy Resources
- Automatic Controls
- Automotive
- Combustion Technology
- Energy Conservation and Management in Buildings and Industries
- Energy Efficiency Optimization
- Energy Policy
- Heat Pipe and Heat Recovery Technology
- Machine Design and Development
Chemical Engineering Department
- Reaction Engineering
- Separation and Purification Technology
- Biochemical Engineering
- Polymer Innovation Laboratory
- Process System Engineering
- Renewable Energy
Electronic Engineering Department
- Embedded Systems and Robotics
- Computer Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
- Biomedical Engineering
- Power Electronics and Renewable Energy
- Signal Processing and Engineering Acoustics
- Electronics, Integrated Circuit and Smart Device
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Image Processing and Computer Vision
The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology offers educational scholarship to the indigent students and also: supports them in their application for the student loan fund from the Thai government. Moreover, the students with outstanding academic performance will receive the funding support from their department
Applying for Undergraduate Admission
The students can apply to study in the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology through the TCAS student admissions system (Association of The Council of University Presidents of Thailand) For further information please visit our website “www.”.
Applying for Graduate Admission
The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology offer graduate programs in Engineering. For further information please visit our website “www.graduate.”.